Eramallikkara,Chengannur,Alappuzha District
(Govt. Aided College Affiliated to the University of Kerala)

NAAC Accredited

General Rules

  • 1.All students admitted to the college must acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations of the college. They will be bound by these rules.
    2.Students are expected to carry their identity cards while they are in the campus. The identity cards must be produced whenever demanded by the Principal or other competent authority.
    3.Every student shall attend classes regularly and punctually. Any student being absent from classes for two days or more consecutively shall report the same to the group tutor.
    4.Students are expected to wear only modest dress.
    5.The conduct of students in the College campus should conform to the highest standards of courtesy, decency and dignity. Students are expected to maintain the noble traditions of the College by maintaining discipline and respecting the staff as well as visitors.
    6.Students should occupy their seats in their respective class rooms immediately after the first bell. All are expected to participate in the prayer by standing in the class and keeping silence.
    7.Students are not allowed to loiter on the verandah or stand crowding in the premises during free hours. They have to remain in the reading rooms or the waiting room or their own class room keeping complete silence.
    8.Students are expected to co-operate in keeping the college building and the campus neat and tidy. Writing or making marks on the walls or funiture is strictly prohibited.
    9.Prior permission of the Principal is necessary for:-
        a.Entry of vehicles in the campus during the working hours of the college.
        b.Organising or attending special meetings, entertainments or social functions in  the College  or in its premises.
       c.Using loud speakers, megaphones etc. in the college or in its premises.
    1. Inviting persons who are not members of the staff of the college for any function in the college.
    2. Collection of subscription of any kind from the students or members of the staff.
    3. Putting up any notice on any notice board in the college or elsewhere in its premises.
    4. Placing any paper, book or periodical in the Reading Room of the College or circulating these in college in any manner.
    10.Notice signed or countersigned by the Pricipal and published on the college notice board is to be brought to the attention of the students and staff.
    11.Students are not allowed to use or carry mobile phones in the campus.

    12.Any student suspended from the college shall not enter the college or its premises during the period of suspension except with the written permission of the Principal.
    13.Students are forbidden from engaging in any activity which would interfere with the work and smooth functioning of the college.
    14.The authority of the Principal in matters of discipline extends to the conduct of students outside the college.
    15.Whenever a medical certificate has to be produced by a student it should be from a regisered medical practioner.
    16.Rise from your seats when the teacher enters the class – room and remain standing till the takes his seat or till you are allowed to sit down. Greet your teacher appropriately when he / she comes.
    17.No student will enter or leave the class – room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
    18.Nothing is more appreciated in a student than courteous and mannerly behavior. Give due respect to your teachers and the other staff members of the college. Greet them when you meet them inside or outside the Campus. Remember, it is rude behavior to enter a room without being asked to, not to say “Thank you” when, something is done for you, to jump from queues, to scrambler for seats in the bus, to get past a person at a door or passage without saying “Excuse Me” or not to say “Sorry” when you have humped someone.
    19.Students are strictly prohibited to be in the college campus with folded dhotis. 
    20.Smoking, consumption of liquor, use of different items of pan masala etc. are injurious to health, are strictly prohibited in the college campus.
    21.Do not disfigure the walls, doors, windows, furniture etc. with graffiti, bills, engravings etc. Learning not to damage property whether public or private is one of the primary requirements of civilized behavior.
    22.Do not submit mass petitions to the Principal. If you have any grievance or complaint, let your representatives meet him.
    23.Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or wilfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud or malpractice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the Principal, is likely to have unwholesome influence on his fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls.